Embarking on a new coding adventure (AKA Operation E20)
Judging solely by the website, one might think I haven't been up to much coding-wise over the last few months. Granted, apart from some background work on the site's design (adding a tagging functionality and a comments section*), and a few more projects in My Portfolio, based on assignments from the FreeCodeCamp Frontend Development track, not much else has changed on the site itself. However in the offline world I took some time to reflect on my newly acquired interest in coding and came to the conclusion that I'd very much like to devote more time and resources to developing my programming skills than I had since I first started my self-directed learning; the little time after work and on weekends that I had been able to spend coding simply didn't feel like enough (yet at the same time they didn't help my attempts to introduce more physical activity into my already fairly sedentary lifestyle). This, combined with a realisation how much the very basics of coding helped me with automating certain tasks which I had previously found time-consuming, led me to make up my mind about an idea which I had been toying with for some time - namely signing up to CodeClan's full-time 16-week software development course.
I am now very excited to say that I've joined Edinburgh's cohort 20 and in a few days will enter Codeclan's premises braced with my new shiny Macbook and a lot of enthusiasm for the intense learning that awaits us over the next four months. Talking to a number of alumni of the course at various tech meetups, I was always impressed by how passionately they spoke about coding and how much they seem to have learned from CodeClan instructors, so I'm confident that I'm in for an enjoyable and enlightening adventure.

* I'm particularly pleased with the latter, as the comments are kept locally in my Github repository rather than using an external system ‒ this wouldn't have been possible without the excellent Staticman by Eduardo Bouças.